I am a Las Vegas PR Friendly Mommy Blogger who blogs about everything Las Vegas. Just ’cause I’m a mom doesn’t mean I am strictly a “mommy blogger”. I like to have fun…with or without my little entourage! ©
- Your product/service is relevant to my audience.
- I have researched it, learned about it, tried it out, know about it so that…
- It is a product/service I can wholeheartedly endorse.
- It will not endanger, cause harm, or be a bad influence on my mommy readers, nor will the service/product make me look bad. (For example, I would not allow the advertising of cigarettes on my blog. Even if it wasn’t against the law.)
I love to help out products/services I am super passionate about, or products/services that help endorse what I am super passionate about. If you need my undivided attention on one of your products, and would like to have my opinion, please also check out my Product Reviews page.
Small Square Button
125 by 125 pixel jpg, png, or gif*
Large Sidebar
300 by 250 pixels jpg, png, or gif*
*Logos must be sized appropriately before sending. I do not provide graphic design services.
Questions? Email me info@rockstarmomlv.com