Ten years ago, my husband and I traveled to Chaing Mai, Thailand during our honeymoon. We instantly fell in love with the beauty of the land and the people. While there, we had the opportunity to visit The Elephant Conservation Center. We had an enjoyable time watching the elephants and their immense strength, then trekked through the jungle. At the end of the trek, a photo was snapped of my husband and I, which we have proudly displayed ever since.
Fast forward eight years later, our first son is a huge animal lover. He has been ever since he could say his first word at 6 months, “dog”. The moment he discovered our photo was the moment he has become dedicated to learning as much as he can about animals and declaring his career choice to become a zoologist. He has also made specific travel goals, including a safari in Africa and elephant trekking in Thailand.
We had the opportunity to review the new film, My Lucky Elephant, recently released on DVD. I couldn’t pass up the chance as I knew he would become an instant fan. I was right, but in more ways than one. I asked him to write a brief review on the movie:
My Lucky Elephant
This is a heart warming story about when you are down in the dumps there’s a ray of sunshine coming your way. It means life is better when you share it with a friend. It’s about an elephant named Lucky, who (is) really good at painting. I like it because it is a cool story that has a bunch of elephants.
I asked him if he would recommend the movie to his friends, and he gave an enthusiastic, “YES!”.
He also secured this quote from his 7 year old sister:
I like that a little gift happened with love.
In case you had a hard time deciphering all that, check out this clip from the movie:
As a parent, I enjoyed the message it sends about a true friend, a home and a family. It is refreshing to know my kids are watching a movie I am confident about the story and language. They have been quoting the lines and talking about it for weeks!
My Lucky Elephant is now available on DVD at select retailers nationwide.
Disclosure: I was given a copy of My Lucky Elephant on DVD for my family to review.
cant wait to see this movie!